Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
December 10, 2014
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Board Member
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from September 10, 2014 were approved as submitted. Brett moved and Jim Lampman seconded the motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from September 2014 be approved as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
3.2 Approval of Board Resolution Thanking Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris for their service to the Board. Michael moved that Grandridge Meadows HOA Board thank Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris for their excellent service to the Board during their tenure. Jack Briggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Michael indicated that he would draft a letter to thank them.
3.3 Nominations and Election of Replacement Board Members to Serve until Annual Membership Meeting. Pam Bisconer stated that since Ms. Hamman, our former president, and Dan Morris, our former treasurer, have both moved out of the development that we are in need of a board member to replace them. This term would end on July 1, 2015. No one present at the meeting was interested in serving on the board. Jack Briggs suggested that a nominating committee be formed to undertake recruitment of a new board member. Michael will assume responsibility for the nominating committee.
3.4 Election of Vice President. Michael moved that the Board nominate Brett Menaker to fill the unfinished term of Vice President while Mr. Galgoul is acting President. Jack Briggs seconded. The term ends on July 1, 2015. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – November 30, 2014. Michael stated that we are running under budget for the year and we have approximately $32,000 in checking. He said we have $12,000 outstanding for dues and we will be referring these for lien processing.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of Bookkeeper to Support Finance Committee. Michael Galgoul explained that since Dan Morris has left the board and we haven’t been able to recruit someone to fill his position, we are looking at hiring a Bookkeeper to assist with financial duties. Motion by Michael that the Board approves hiring Ms. Barnett of A Plus Accounting Services for bookkeeping services as presented in Attachment 4.2. The motion was seconded by Brett Menaker and passed unanimously. Michael pointed out that Ms. Barnett has previously assisted the HOA with financial tasks prior to Dan Morris assuming the position of Treasurer. Michael moved that the Finance Committee consist of the President and Vice President and Jack Donnelly until July 1, 2015. Jack Briggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
4.3 Changing of Bank Account Signature Authority. Michael moved that The Board approve removal of Signature Authority for Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris as they no longer own homes in Grandridge Meadows and designate new signature authorities for Brett Menaker and Jack Donnelly as documented in Attachment 4.3. Jack Briggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Michael stated that we need to send a new signature letter (which Brett and Jack Donnelly signed) with a copy of the minutes in order to affect this change. Michael moved that the Board approve budgeting $500 for those who are on the account to be bonded. Brett Menaker seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.4 2015 Budget: Discussion by ACC and Finance Committee and Approval of Budget. Michael moved that the Board approve the Grandridge Meadows Homeowners Association Budget for calendar year 2015 as presented in Attachment 4.4. Brett Menaker seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.5 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Recommended by RCW 64.38.065 Reserve Account and study. Motion made by Michael Galgoul that the Board approve the Grandridge Meadows Homeowners Association establishment of a reserve fund of $15,000 for meeting future improvements to HOA property or adjacent properties involving 2 or more homeowners (with homeowners permission). A separate account with the same signature authority as our current account will be established as specified in Attachment 4.3. In addition to the funds added any funds collected as a result of liens should be added to this account (Approximately $11,000 Total). The reserve fund is designed for improvements or replacement of infrastructure expected to last more than 2 years. Michael stated that part of the reason to have a reserve account was to track projects outside normal expenses. Motion was tabled for further discussion by the Finance Committee.
4.6 Discussion and Approval of Infrastructure Improvement Projects Using Funds from the Reserve Account. While the reserve account establishment was tabled for a future discussion, three proposed projects were discussed and voted upon and included: a) Fence re-staining along N. Center Parkway (side facing the street), b) adding new rock along N. Center Parkway, and c) replacing drip irrigation line along N. Center Parkway.
4.6.1 Fence staining Along Center Parking. Home owners who own those fences will be contacted for their concurrence/approval before the HOA/ACC has the fence stained. Some concern was expressed to take precautions to prevent overspray and not put HOA in a liability position.
Motion was made for Board to approve up to $2,500 for the ACC to contract re-staining the fencing along N. Center Parkway and using the lowest bid; at least 2 or more bids must be received. Home Owners shall be contacted prior to starting work. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Jim Lampman. Motion passed unanimously.
4.6.2 Adding New Rock along Center Parkway. Several homeowners expressed shock at the cost. HOA stated this area was highly visible and important for appearance, covering drip irrigation and would need to occur following replacement of the irrigation line. It was suggested to purchase additional rock to also repair any other landscaped areas needing rock along N. Center Parkway, specifically area up to N. Montana Street. The proposed cost was originally $5,000 but with the additional rock for repairs it was suggested to increase to $6,000. Motion was made for Board to approve up to $6,000 for the ACC to contract adding new rock to the HOA common area along N. Center Parkway in the areas identified by the ACC, and using the lowest bid; at least 2 or more bids must be received. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed.
4.6.3 Replacing irrigation line along Center Parkway. Members of the ACC stated that this line has had numerous leaks and that Desert Green has recommended that it be replaced. The line is 9 years old. Michael moved that the Board approve the allocation of up to $2,000 for the ACC to contract for replacing the irrigation line along Center Parkway from N. Montana to Quebec with the condition that the lower of two bids is accepted. Jack Briggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously. One homeowner asked if the old irrigation line would be removed prior to installing of new drip irrigation line. Jim stated the old line would be abandoned in place. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Approval of ACC Contracts for 2015. Jim provided an overview of our landscaping bids for conducting landscaping services for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 for common areas maintained by the HOA. Three bids were received and each was close in price. Desert Green Landscaping was the low bid and also is the incumbent.
Motion was made for Board to approve up to $6,000 for the ACC to contract landscaping services for 2015 to the lowest bidder -- Desert Green Landscaping. Motion = Jim Lampman, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed unanimously.
5.2 Review and Approval of Revised language in ACC Notice of Violation Letter. Jack Briggs stated the template used for violation letters was revised to clarify the ACC authority to levy fines, and that ACC members must agree on the violation by majority vote before sending the violation letter, and added information on the appeal process. One homeowner still expressed concern on the violation letter and stated it did not meet her expectations. Another homeowner asked for a copy of the violation letter as it was not available to the audience in advance and was not able to seen on the screen for those homeowners attending. Jack Briggs said he had a copy of the letter for anyone to see if they wanted. Michael Galgoul will follow up with the homeowner expressing concern. Motion was made to adopt the proposed revisions to the violation letter template. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed.
5.3 Summaries and Status of ACC Violations. Motion was made to adopt the proposed revisions to the violation letter template. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed. Jim Lampman reported thing are going pretty well. Jim iterated improvements have been noted. Jack Donnelly asked if there has been any improvement over the years and if a graphic or metric could be developed to bring to each meeting with an actual summary of violation data. Jim agreed to develop for next meeting.
5.4 Announcement of Annual Christmas Decoration Contest. Jim Lampman reported the HOA is conducting a decoration contest that is open to all homeowners except board members, judges and those not current on assessments. Contest will be underway from now to December 20th, and judging will be conducted by the 20th. Announcement of the winner will occur on the 20th as well but the method of that communication is flexible. Luke Lilienthal and Charles Villanueva volunteered to be judges.
6. Old Business.
6.1 Update on contacting a real estate agent to identify areas for improvement under the control of the HOA that would have the largest positive impact on the selling price of homes. No discussion of these items due to time availability.
6.2 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. No discussion of these items due to time availability.
7. New Business
7.1 Discussion and Approval of Rental by Grandridge Meadows Home Owner. Michael Galgoul provided a summary of the request from an existing homeowner, who owns their own home at 8711 W. Clearwater Place but wishes to purchase and rent the home in the same HOA at 8712 W. Bruneau Avenue without living in the newly purchased home for 1 year. One homeowner adamantly opposed the rental and further expressed rentals tend to not be taken care of well and create more problems. Additional discussion centered on the CCRs being changed to remove rentals being allowed in this HOA. Michael Galgoul stated CCRs can be revised but can cost as much as $10,000 to change. It also requires a vote of 75 percent of all lot owners (not just those who vote) and 51% "of all mortgagees who have requested from the association notifications of amendments". The homeowner stated to not do rock and that changing the CCR could be funded by not replacing rock. Homeowner further stated he would propose revised CCR language regarding this matter and stated this issue needs further attention as it will degrade our values. Motion was made in accordance with CCR 6:10:3HOA, the Board approve Patricia M. Engel of 8711 W. Clearwater Avenue to rent a newly purchased home at 8712 W. Bruneau Avenue without living in the newly purchased house for 1 year. The approval is based on the purchaser meeting the requirement of being a homeowner in Grandridge Meadows for more than a year at 8711 W. Clearwater Avenue and is current on all HOA obligations. Motion = Michael Galgoul, Second the Motion = Jack Briggs. Motion passed unanimously.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on March 18, 2015.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
December 10, 2014
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Board Member
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from September 10, 2014 were approved as submitted. Brett moved and Jim Lampman seconded the motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from September 2014 be approved as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
3.2 Approval of Board Resolution Thanking Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris for their service to the Board. Michael moved that Grandridge Meadows HOA Board thank Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris for their excellent service to the Board during their tenure. Jack Briggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Michael indicated that he would draft a letter to thank them.
3.3 Nominations and Election of Replacement Board Members to Serve until Annual Membership Meeting. Pam Bisconer stated that since Ms. Hamman, our former president, and Dan Morris, our former treasurer, have both moved out of the development that we are in need of a board member to replace them. This term would end on July 1, 2015. No one present at the meeting was interested in serving on the board. Jack Briggs suggested that a nominating committee be formed to undertake recruitment of a new board member. Michael will assume responsibility for the nominating committee.
3.4 Election of Vice President. Michael moved that the Board nominate Brett Menaker to fill the unfinished term of Vice President while Mr. Galgoul is acting President. Jack Briggs seconded. The term ends on July 1, 2015. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – November 30, 2014. Michael stated that we are running under budget for the year and we have approximately $32,000 in checking. He said we have $12,000 outstanding for dues and we will be referring these for lien processing.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of Bookkeeper to Support Finance Committee. Michael Galgoul explained that since Dan Morris has left the board and we haven’t been able to recruit someone to fill his position, we are looking at hiring a Bookkeeper to assist with financial duties. Motion by Michael that the Board approves hiring Ms. Barnett of A Plus Accounting Services for bookkeeping services as presented in Attachment 4.2. The motion was seconded by Brett Menaker and passed unanimously. Michael pointed out that Ms. Barnett has previously assisted the HOA with financial tasks prior to Dan Morris assuming the position of Treasurer. Michael moved that the Finance Committee consist of the President and Vice President and Jack Donnelly until July 1, 2015. Jack Briggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
4.3 Changing of Bank Account Signature Authority. Michael moved that The Board approve removal of Signature Authority for Ms. Hamman and Mr. Morris as they no longer own homes in Grandridge Meadows and designate new signature authorities for Brett Menaker and Jack Donnelly as documented in Attachment 4.3. Jack Briggs seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Michael stated that we need to send a new signature letter (which Brett and Jack Donnelly signed) with a copy of the minutes in order to affect this change. Michael moved that the Board approve budgeting $500 for those who are on the account to be bonded. Brett Menaker seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.4 2015 Budget: Discussion by ACC and Finance Committee and Approval of Budget. Michael moved that the Board approve the Grandridge Meadows Homeowners Association Budget for calendar year 2015 as presented in Attachment 4.4. Brett Menaker seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4.5 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Recommended by RCW 64.38.065 Reserve Account and study. Motion made by Michael Galgoul that the Board approve the Grandridge Meadows Homeowners Association establishment of a reserve fund of $15,000 for meeting future improvements to HOA property or adjacent properties involving 2 or more homeowners (with homeowners permission). A separate account with the same signature authority as our current account will be established as specified in Attachment 4.3. In addition to the funds added any funds collected as a result of liens should be added to this account (Approximately $11,000 Total). The reserve fund is designed for improvements or replacement of infrastructure expected to last more than 2 years. Michael stated that part of the reason to have a reserve account was to track projects outside normal expenses. Motion was tabled for further discussion by the Finance Committee.
4.6 Discussion and Approval of Infrastructure Improvement Projects Using Funds from the Reserve Account. While the reserve account establishment was tabled for a future discussion, three proposed projects were discussed and voted upon and included: a) Fence re-staining along N. Center Parkway (side facing the street), b) adding new rock along N. Center Parkway, and c) replacing drip irrigation line along N. Center Parkway.
4.6.1 Fence staining Along Center Parking. Home owners who own those fences will be contacted for their concurrence/approval before the HOA/ACC has the fence stained. Some concern was expressed to take precautions to prevent overspray and not put HOA in a liability position.
Motion was made for Board to approve up to $2,500 for the ACC to contract re-staining the fencing along N. Center Parkway and using the lowest bid; at least 2 or more bids must be received. Home Owners shall be contacted prior to starting work. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Jim Lampman. Motion passed unanimously.
4.6.2 Adding New Rock along Center Parkway. Several homeowners expressed shock at the cost. HOA stated this area was highly visible and important for appearance, covering drip irrigation and would need to occur following replacement of the irrigation line. It was suggested to purchase additional rock to also repair any other landscaped areas needing rock along N. Center Parkway, specifically area up to N. Montana Street. The proposed cost was originally $5,000 but with the additional rock for repairs it was suggested to increase to $6,000. Motion was made for Board to approve up to $6,000 for the ACC to contract adding new rock to the HOA common area along N. Center Parkway in the areas identified by the ACC, and using the lowest bid; at least 2 or more bids must be received. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed.
4.6.3 Replacing irrigation line along Center Parkway. Members of the ACC stated that this line has had numerous leaks and that Desert Green has recommended that it be replaced. The line is 9 years old. Michael moved that the Board approve the allocation of up to $2,000 for the ACC to contract for replacing the irrigation line along Center Parkway from N. Montana to Quebec with the condition that the lower of two bids is accepted. Jack Briggs seconded. The motion passed unanimously. One homeowner asked if the old irrigation line would be removed prior to installing of new drip irrigation line. Jim stated the old line would be abandoned in place. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Approval of ACC Contracts for 2015. Jim provided an overview of our landscaping bids for conducting landscaping services for Calendar Year (CY) 2015 for common areas maintained by the HOA. Three bids were received and each was close in price. Desert Green Landscaping was the low bid and also is the incumbent.
Motion was made for Board to approve up to $6,000 for the ACC to contract landscaping services for 2015 to the lowest bidder -- Desert Green Landscaping. Motion = Jim Lampman, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed unanimously.
5.2 Review and Approval of Revised language in ACC Notice of Violation Letter. Jack Briggs stated the template used for violation letters was revised to clarify the ACC authority to levy fines, and that ACC members must agree on the violation by majority vote before sending the violation letter, and added information on the appeal process. One homeowner still expressed concern on the violation letter and stated it did not meet her expectations. Another homeowner asked for a copy of the violation letter as it was not available to the audience in advance and was not able to seen on the screen for those homeowners attending. Jack Briggs said he had a copy of the letter for anyone to see if they wanted. Michael Galgoul will follow up with the homeowner expressing concern. Motion was made to adopt the proposed revisions to the violation letter template. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed.
5.3 Summaries and Status of ACC Violations. Motion was made to adopt the proposed revisions to the violation letter template. Motion = Jack Briggs, Second the Motion = Brett Menaker. Motion passed. Jim Lampman reported thing are going pretty well. Jim iterated improvements have been noted. Jack Donnelly asked if there has been any improvement over the years and if a graphic or metric could be developed to bring to each meeting with an actual summary of violation data. Jim agreed to develop for next meeting.
5.4 Announcement of Annual Christmas Decoration Contest. Jim Lampman reported the HOA is conducting a decoration contest that is open to all homeowners except board members, judges and those not current on assessments. Contest will be underway from now to December 20th, and judging will be conducted by the 20th. Announcement of the winner will occur on the 20th as well but the method of that communication is flexible. Luke Lilienthal and Charles Villanueva volunteered to be judges.
6. Old Business.
6.1 Update on contacting a real estate agent to identify areas for improvement under the control of the HOA that would have the largest positive impact on the selling price of homes. No discussion of these items due to time availability.
6.2 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. No discussion of these items due to time availability.
7. New Business
7.1 Discussion and Approval of Rental by Grandridge Meadows Home Owner. Michael Galgoul provided a summary of the request from an existing homeowner, who owns their own home at 8711 W. Clearwater Place but wishes to purchase and rent the home in the same HOA at 8712 W. Bruneau Avenue without living in the newly purchased home for 1 year. One homeowner adamantly opposed the rental and further expressed rentals tend to not be taken care of well and create more problems. Additional discussion centered on the CCRs being changed to remove rentals being allowed in this HOA. Michael Galgoul stated CCRs can be revised but can cost as much as $10,000 to change. It also requires a vote of 75 percent of all lot owners (not just those who vote) and 51% "of all mortgagees who have requested from the association notifications of amendments". The homeowner stated to not do rock and that changing the CCR could be funded by not replacing rock. Homeowner further stated he would propose revised CCR language regarding this matter and stated this issue needs further attention as it will degrade our values. Motion was made in accordance with CCR 6:10:3HOA, the Board approve Patricia M. Engel of 8711 W. Clearwater Avenue to rent a newly purchased home at 8712 W. Bruneau Avenue without living in the newly purchased house for 1 year. The approval is based on the purchaser meeting the requirement of being a homeowner in Grandridge Meadows for more than a year at 8711 W. Clearwater Avenue and is current on all HOA obligations. Motion = Michael Galgoul, Second the Motion = Jack Briggs. Motion passed unanimously.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on March 18, 2015.