Minutes of the January 7, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Members and the Board of Directors Meeting
Brett Menaker Board Vice President
Rebecca Bowie Board Secretary
Jack Briggs Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jack Donnelly Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman Board and Architectural Committee Member
Gayle Stack from EverStar
Megan Quinn from EverStar
Steven Burke
The meeting then moved to the Annual Meeting of the Members
5. Approval of the 2019 Budget by the Home Owners.
Before the vote, Brett Menaker solicited questions regarding the 2019 budget. One owner member asked about the 2020 budget showing a $25 line item for income tax as we do not pay income tax. Brett M. addressed the question. We do have to file a tax return. The line item will remain. There were 14 votes mailed in approving the proposed budget and four additional votes from those present. There were no further questions or comments regarding the proposed budget. Brett M. asked for a motion to approve the proposed 2020 budget, Jim L. motioned to approve, Jack B. provided a second motion and the 2020 budget was passed unanimously.
6. Election of Board Members.
There were 14 ballots mailed in approving the seven proposed director positions for 2020. There were no additional volunteers to run for office and no “write ins”. There were four additional votes by hand from those present, for a total of 18 votes in favor. Jack B. motioned to elect the existing board with the addition of Dale V., Rebecca B. provided a second motion and the seven director positions for 2020 were approved unanimously.
7. Additional Comments
Brett M. solicited for comments before closing the Meeting of the Members. There was a report of dumping which occurred on the railroad property of 3 truck loads of tumble weeds. Images were captured on the resident’s home security camera. The resident will work with the ACC to see if the truck can be identified from the images. Jim L. suggested the HOA place a “no dumping” sign on the RR land. Jim L. will look into the signs and provide info for review/decision at next BOD meeting. Jack B. suggested contacting the RR to ask them to put a sign up.
Jack B. motioned to adjourn the Meeting of the Members, Jim L. provided a second and the meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
The Board of Directors Meeting commenced. The November 2019 meeting minutes were already approved and Gayle S. already provided the financial report.
1. Continuation of Financial Report. After a brief discussion, Jack B. motioned to transfer $5,000 from the operating account into the reserve account, Brett M. provided a second and the motion was passed unanimously.
2. Architectural Control Committee Report
Jim L. reported that the ACC signed a new contract with TLC Landscape Management to provide the HOA landscape needs again for 2020. TLC provided the best bid. It was noted that the landscape budget was inadvertently priced under budget but funds under landscape repairs will cover this error. Jack B. reported that the fences in the common walkways need staining. The ACC will get bids to stain the fences, and this will be discussed at the next meeting.
3. Old Business
New resident welcome pack. Rebecca B. reported that EverStar already provides all new residents with a welcome letter explaining who EverStar Realty is, and how to pay yearly member dues. In addition, they provide copies of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs), the Bylaws, and the Policy for Evaluating Rental Requests. Rebecca suggested we provided a nice welcome letter and the $25 Lowe’s gift card.
4. New Business
4.1 Election of officers for 2020. Brett suggested the ACC remain as is with Jack B., Jack D. and Jim L. Rebecca B. to remain as secretary. Finance committee to be filled with Brett M., Steve B. and Dale V., with Steve B. remaining as treasurer and chairman. Brett. M. to move into the open president position and Dale V. to be vice president. Jack B. motioned to accept the slate as proposed by Brett and Jim L. provided the second. The motion passed unanimously.
4.2 Roasters Coffee Shop. Rebecca reported that the coffee shop dumpster was placed directly behind her property near the block wall fence. She has been awakened six times at approximately 3:30 a.m. when the dumpster was dumped. She spoke to Mark at the City of Richland three times and the problem seems to be rectified. It was noted that the 10 foot landscaping ends at the end of the Roasters business.
5. Open Forum
Gayle S. mentioned that she will mailing the billing statements, schedule of assessments, and the approved budget in the next week.
Comment from a member that she would like to see a simple bulletin point listing the important rules of the HOA. Rebecca and Jack B. will work on this and plan to include it in the new resident welcome card and post it on the Website. Gayle S. will provide a copy of a condensed packet/pamphlet she has available.
A tentative date was set for the next Board of Directors Meeting to held at the Benton PUD auditorium on Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00 p.m.
Jim L. motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jack B. seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Minutes of the January 7, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Members and the Board of Directors Meeting
- Call To Order
- Roll Call
Brett Menaker Board Vice President
Rebecca Bowie Board Secretary
Jack Briggs Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jack Donnelly Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman Board and Architectural Committee Member
Gayle Stack from EverStar
Megan Quinn from EverStar
Steven Burke
- Secretary Report
- Financial Report
The meeting then moved to the Annual Meeting of the Members
5. Approval of the 2019 Budget by the Home Owners.
Before the vote, Brett Menaker solicited questions regarding the 2019 budget. One owner member asked about the 2020 budget showing a $25 line item for income tax as we do not pay income tax. Brett M. addressed the question. We do have to file a tax return. The line item will remain. There were 14 votes mailed in approving the proposed budget and four additional votes from those present. There were no further questions or comments regarding the proposed budget. Brett M. asked for a motion to approve the proposed 2020 budget, Jim L. motioned to approve, Jack B. provided a second motion and the 2020 budget was passed unanimously.
6. Election of Board Members.
There were 14 ballots mailed in approving the seven proposed director positions for 2020. There were no additional volunteers to run for office and no “write ins”. There were four additional votes by hand from those present, for a total of 18 votes in favor. Jack B. motioned to elect the existing board with the addition of Dale V., Rebecca B. provided a second motion and the seven director positions for 2020 were approved unanimously.
7. Additional Comments
Brett M. solicited for comments before closing the Meeting of the Members. There was a report of dumping which occurred on the railroad property of 3 truck loads of tumble weeds. Images were captured on the resident’s home security camera. The resident will work with the ACC to see if the truck can be identified from the images. Jim L. suggested the HOA place a “no dumping” sign on the RR land. Jim L. will look into the signs and provide info for review/decision at next BOD meeting. Jack B. suggested contacting the RR to ask them to put a sign up.
Jack B. motioned to adjourn the Meeting of the Members, Jim L. provided a second and the meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
The Board of Directors Meeting commenced. The November 2019 meeting minutes were already approved and Gayle S. already provided the financial report.
1. Continuation of Financial Report. After a brief discussion, Jack B. motioned to transfer $5,000 from the operating account into the reserve account, Brett M. provided a second and the motion was passed unanimously.
2. Architectural Control Committee Report
Jim L. reported that the ACC signed a new contract with TLC Landscape Management to provide the HOA landscape needs again for 2020. TLC provided the best bid. It was noted that the landscape budget was inadvertently priced under budget but funds under landscape repairs will cover this error. Jack B. reported that the fences in the common walkways need staining. The ACC will get bids to stain the fences, and this will be discussed at the next meeting.
3. Old Business
New resident welcome pack. Rebecca B. reported that EverStar already provides all new residents with a welcome letter explaining who EverStar Realty is, and how to pay yearly member dues. In addition, they provide copies of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs), the Bylaws, and the Policy for Evaluating Rental Requests. Rebecca suggested we provided a nice welcome letter and the $25 Lowe’s gift card.
4. New Business
4.1 Election of officers for 2020. Brett suggested the ACC remain as is with Jack B., Jack D. and Jim L. Rebecca B. to remain as secretary. Finance committee to be filled with Brett M., Steve B. and Dale V., with Steve B. remaining as treasurer and chairman. Brett. M. to move into the open president position and Dale V. to be vice president. Jack B. motioned to accept the slate as proposed by Brett and Jim L. provided the second. The motion passed unanimously.
4.2 Roasters Coffee Shop. Rebecca reported that the coffee shop dumpster was placed directly behind her property near the block wall fence. She has been awakened six times at approximately 3:30 a.m. when the dumpster was dumped. She spoke to Mark at the City of Richland three times and the problem seems to be rectified. It was noted that the 10 foot landscaping ends at the end of the Roasters business.
5. Open Forum
Gayle S. mentioned that she will mailing the billing statements, schedule of assessments, and the approved budget in the next week.
Comment from a member that she would like to see a simple bulletin point listing the important rules of the HOA. Rebecca and Jack B. will work on this and plan to include it in the new resident welcome card and post it on the Website. Gayle S. will provide a copy of a condensed packet/pamphlet she has available.
A tentative date was set for the next Board of Directors Meeting to held at the Benton PUD auditorium on Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00 p.m.
Jim L. motioned to adjourn the meeting and Jack B. seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.