Final minutes of the Annual meeting of the Board of Directors
June 18, 2015
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Vice President
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of March and April Minutes. The minutes of the March regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the April special meeting regarding the Bush Car Wash were approved. Jack Briggs moved and Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
3.2 Election of Board Officers. Pam stated that she had received the ballots for the election and asked for a motion to approve the slate of candidates as listed on the ballot. Jack Briggs seconded the motion. Michael asked if anyone present at the meeting would like to serve on the board and no one volunteered. Michael indicated that the members present at the meeting could vote on the slate of officers. Michael called for a vote and all present approved the current slate of officers with one person abstaining. Those elected are: Brett Menaker, President; Michael Galgoul, Vice President; Pam Bisconer, Secretary; Jack Briggs, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Jack Donnelly, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Jim Lampman, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Michele Burke, Board Member at Large.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – May 31, 2015. Michael stated that the HOA had $18,649 in income from January 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015. He said our expenses in three categories – bonding, liability insurance and common areas are required. Our total expenses through May 31st were $5,989. Our income is based on 140 homes at a dues payment of $150 a month which totals $21,000. Michael said we have $36,024.74 in checking. Please see attached for Financial Summary from the Annual Meeting.
4.1.2 Bid for Administrative and Bookkeeping Services. Michael presented information from EverStar Realty which outlined services they could provide for our HOA. Michael stated the cost for the services is $250 per month and includes annual billing and collections, payment of expenses, monthly accounting and progress reports, lien filings and issuing fine letters. Michael stated that this would cost $3,000 per year and our current budget is $4,000 per year. Michael said we have hired a bookkeeper to perform some of these services since we did not have an HOA member to perform these activities and the bylaws allow for this. Pam indicated that she had not seen a copy of this information and did not want to approve it until she had a chance to review. Jack Briggs asked what experience they have in this area and he wanted to know that before making a decision. Michael stated that our current bookkeeper recommended this firm and that he will send out the information for board review and then a decision can be made. Michael said that if approved EverStar could start providing these services in August 2015.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Required by RCW 64.38.065. Michael stated the law recommends that we have money in reserve for catastrophic events, for example, if we have a wind storm that damages all of our plants and have to replace them. Michael moved that we establish a reserve account of $10,000 from the prior year carryover income and waive the expenditure for an assessment of the property because it usually runs $4,000 to $5,000 and that we not include a reserve study. Motioned seconded by Brett and passed unanimously.
4.3 Budget Approval. Michael moved that the $21,000 budget that runs through December 2015 be approved with a $1500 placeholder for management services and Jim seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Fence Staining along Center Parkway, Drip Lines and Rock Landscaping Complete. Jim stated that this project is complete and a new drip line was installed from Quebec Street to Montana Street because it was getting buried in the sand. Members indicated that the fence looked nice. One member’s fence was not stained because it was already stained.
5.2 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. Motion to remove this from the agenda by Jack Briggs and Michael seconded and motion passed unanimously.
5.3 Bush Car Wash Update & June 8th Meeting Outcome. Jack Briggs explained that the land immediately adjacent to some homeowners on Quebec was rezoned from residential to commercial. Now, the Bush family wants to put in a car wash and coffee shop with a drive-up window. Bush plans to drop the elevation of the site by four feet and put in a four foot retaining wall and six foot masonry wall about 10 feet back from the retaining wall. Jack stated Bush will start leveling the land this year and will build next year. The issue now that the six homeowners need to decide is whether they want the masonry wall to replace their fence or if they want to keep their fence and have the masonry wall in addition to their fence. Bush will not remove the fence for the homeowner if that is what homeowners decide. Bush also wants input from homeowners on the color of the masonry wall.
5.4 Spring clean-up letter. The spring clean-up letter was sent out and most homeowners did a good job of getting their yards in shape.
5.5 ACC Violation Procedure. No discussion on this item as the ACC can determine this.
6. Old Business.
6.1 None
7. New Business
7.1 Pam asked if anyone knows of rentals in the neighborhood to let her know so that violation letters can be forwarded to the owner. There have been some instances where this has not happened.
7.2 Jack Briggs will contact the bank of the home that is in foreclosure on West Bruneau Avenue to determine if there is some way we can try to keep up the appearance of the home.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on July 22, 2015.
Final minutes of the Annual meeting of the Board of Directors
June 18, 2015
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Vice President
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of March and April Minutes. The minutes of the March regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the April special meeting regarding the Bush Car Wash were approved. Jack Briggs moved and Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
3.2 Election of Board Officers. Pam stated that she had received the ballots for the election and asked for a motion to approve the slate of candidates as listed on the ballot. Jack Briggs seconded the motion. Michael asked if anyone present at the meeting would like to serve on the board and no one volunteered. Michael indicated that the members present at the meeting could vote on the slate of officers. Michael called for a vote and all present approved the current slate of officers with one person abstaining. Those elected are: Brett Menaker, President; Michael Galgoul, Vice President; Pam Bisconer, Secretary; Jack Briggs, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Jack Donnelly, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Jim Lampman, Board and Architectural Committee Member; Michele Burke, Board Member at Large.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – May 31, 2015. Michael stated that the HOA had $18,649 in income from January 1, 2015 through May 31, 2015. He said our expenses in three categories – bonding, liability insurance and common areas are required. Our total expenses through May 31st were $5,989. Our income is based on 140 homes at a dues payment of $150 a month which totals $21,000. Michael said we have $36,024.74 in checking. Please see attached for Financial Summary from the Annual Meeting.
4.1.2 Bid for Administrative and Bookkeeping Services. Michael presented information from EverStar Realty which outlined services they could provide for our HOA. Michael stated the cost for the services is $250 per month and includes annual billing and collections, payment of expenses, monthly accounting and progress reports, lien filings and issuing fine letters. Michael stated that this would cost $3,000 per year and our current budget is $4,000 per year. Michael said we have hired a bookkeeper to perform some of these services since we did not have an HOA member to perform these activities and the bylaws allow for this. Pam indicated that she had not seen a copy of this information and did not want to approve it until she had a chance to review. Jack Briggs asked what experience they have in this area and he wanted to know that before making a decision. Michael stated that our current bookkeeper recommended this firm and that he will send out the information for board review and then a decision can be made. Michael said that if approved EverStar could start providing these services in August 2015.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Required by RCW 64.38.065. Michael stated the law recommends that we have money in reserve for catastrophic events, for example, if we have a wind storm that damages all of our plants and have to replace them. Michael moved that we establish a reserve account of $10,000 from the prior year carryover income and waive the expenditure for an assessment of the property because it usually runs $4,000 to $5,000 and that we not include a reserve study. Motioned seconded by Brett and passed unanimously.
4.3 Budget Approval. Michael moved that the $21,000 budget that runs through December 2015 be approved with a $1500 placeholder for management services and Jim seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Fence Staining along Center Parkway, Drip Lines and Rock Landscaping Complete. Jim stated that this project is complete and a new drip line was installed from Quebec Street to Montana Street because it was getting buried in the sand. Members indicated that the fence looked nice. One member’s fence was not stained because it was already stained.
5.2 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. Motion to remove this from the agenda by Jack Briggs and Michael seconded and motion passed unanimously.
5.3 Bush Car Wash Update & June 8th Meeting Outcome. Jack Briggs explained that the land immediately adjacent to some homeowners on Quebec was rezoned from residential to commercial. Now, the Bush family wants to put in a car wash and coffee shop with a drive-up window. Bush plans to drop the elevation of the site by four feet and put in a four foot retaining wall and six foot masonry wall about 10 feet back from the retaining wall. Jack stated Bush will start leveling the land this year and will build next year. The issue now that the six homeowners need to decide is whether they want the masonry wall to replace their fence or if they want to keep their fence and have the masonry wall in addition to their fence. Bush will not remove the fence for the homeowner if that is what homeowners decide. Bush also wants input from homeowners on the color of the masonry wall.
5.4 Spring clean-up letter. The spring clean-up letter was sent out and most homeowners did a good job of getting their yards in shape.
5.5 ACC Violation Procedure. No discussion on this item as the ACC can determine this.
6. Old Business.
6.1 None
7. New Business
7.1 Pam asked if anyone knows of rentals in the neighborhood to let her know so that violation letters can be forwarded to the owner. There have been some instances where this has not happened.
7.2 Jack Briggs will contact the bank of the home that is in foreclosure on West Bruneau Avenue to determine if there is some way we can try to keep up the appearance of the home.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on July 22, 2015.