Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
March 18, 2015
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Vice President
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from December 10, 2014 were discussed. Jack Briggs moved that there be one change in Section 5.2 that the ACC members must agree on violations by majority vote. Jack Briggs moved that this change be made and Pam Bisconer seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Brett moved and Jim Lampman seconded the motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from December 2014 be approved. The motion passed unanimously. Pam asked for a motion to approve the February 2015 minutes. Jack Briggs moved and Brett seconded and the motion passed unanimously with the stipulation being made that the February meeting was a special meeting called by Jack Briggs to discuss one issue.
3.2 Nomination and election of Replacement Board Members to Serve until Annual Membership Meeting. There was discussion that the Association is seeking two board members -- a treasurer and a board member at large. Pam indicated that since the previous Treasurer left we have had no interest among homeowners to fill this position so we are now paying for these services. No one present at the meeting was interested in serving on the board. Michael stated that his hope was that one of these new board members might then be elected in June when all board positions are up for election.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – February 28, 2015. Michael stated that the HOA had $6,725 in income from January 1, 2015 through February 2015. Our total expenses were $1,177.02 and our net income was $5,547.98. The balance in our checking account is $42,622.48. Michael also said that 94 home owners out of 140 have paid their 2015 dues. Michael stated that notices will be sent out for those who have not paid and they will have an interest penalty. Jack Briggs asked if board members could receive a copy of the budget before the meeting. Michael said he will send the first quarter budget to all board members prior to the meeting.
4.1.2 Administrative and bookkeeping services. Jack Briggs obtained a bid for these services from Crown Properties which included bookkeeping and violation administration. This item will be discussed at the June 2015 meeting.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Required by RCW 64.38.065. Jack Briggs stated that the reserve account is not required by RCW 64.38.065 but recommended. The purpose of the reserve account is putting money away for unanticipated events. Discussion was tabled with a recommendation to be made at the next meeting by the Finance Committee.
4.3 Update on attorney preparing a lien on any delinquent account more than 3 years old. Michael stated that we now have a total of four liens for four homes that owe more than $1,000 in dues. He said that with the exception of a foreclosure a homeowner can’t sell a home and not pay us because any dues or fees owed will be subtracted before the homeowner gets any proceeds.
4.4 Deadline on annual dues payments and imposing a penalty if deadline is missed. The board discussed imposing a penalty in addition to interest fees if dues are late. Jack Briggs moved that 15 days after the due date we impose a $25 fine with interest for dues payments starting in 2016. Jim Lampman seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Report on ACC Violation Letters. Jim Lampman stated that 151 violation letters were sent in 2014. Of those, 32 were fines and 24 of those were paid. There are 12 outstanding fines.
5.2 Report on Fence Staining along Center Parkway. Jack Briggs reported that letters have been sent to 17 homes along Center Parkway and seven homeowners have responded. The association is willing to pay for staining the fences that front on Center Parkway. Jim Lampman and Jack Briggs may have to go door-to-door to obtain responses from the remaining homeowners.
5.3 Appointment of a Third Member to the ACC. Jack Briggs moved that Jack Donnelly be appointed to the ACC. Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
5.4 Consideration of Appointment of a Litter Patrol. Some litter has been noticed on the road into our subdivision. Michael asked for volunteers to help pick up litter. Two homeowners volunteered and Michael Galgoul and Jim Lampman also volunteered. Jim stated he would talk to Desert Green and ask that they pick up litter when they provide services and Jim will also ask them about picking up tumbleweeds.
5.5 Contracts Awarded to Desert Green. Jim stated that a maintenance contract was signed in February with Desert Green. There were three bids and Desert Green was the lowest. Jim stated that the rock and drip line along Center Parkway has been redone and looks very nice.
6. Old Business.
6.1 Rental request by Tony Tahvili and status of letter the board wrote to Tahvili on his involvement on ACC. Jack Briggs stated that Tony has rented one of his properties in our development and he did not get permission. Jack Briggs moved that we send a letter to Tony accepting the rental on West Clearwater Place and that it state that in the future any rentals must be approved by the board. Michael Galgoul seconded the motion. There was discussion that other homeowners in Grandridge Meadows have indicated they do not want rentals in the development. Motion passed. Jack Briggs will write the letter and send to other members of the board for their review and approval.
6.2 Update on contacting a real estate agent to identify areas for improvement under the control of the HOA that would have the largest positive impact on the selling price of homes. Michael stated that he contacted a realtor and that they don’t have a checklist of items that we are not already doing.
6.3 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. The ACC will discuss this item and report at the next meeting.
7. New Business
7.1 Jack Briggs stated that he would like the board meetings to start earlier at 6:30 p.m. Motion made by Jack Briggs to start the board meetings at 6:30 p.m. Michael Galgoul seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
7.2 Jack Briggs stated that he would like to have a more meaningful web page. There was discussion of hiring someone to maintain the web site. Pam indicated that the current cost for the web site is $40 per year and that she would like to see a picture from a home in our subdivision on the web site and that we would have to determine which house to feature. Item to be discussed at the next meeting.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. June 2015 11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on June 17, 2015.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
March 18, 2015
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, President, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Acting Board President
Brett Menaker
Vice President
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from December 10, 2014 were discussed. Jack Briggs moved that there be one change in Section 5.2 that the ACC members must agree on violations by majority vote. Jack Briggs moved that this change be made and Pam Bisconer seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Brett moved and Jim Lampman seconded the motion that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from December 2014 be approved. The motion passed unanimously. Pam asked for a motion to approve the February 2015 minutes. Jack Briggs moved and Brett seconded and the motion passed unanimously with the stipulation being made that the February meeting was a special meeting called by Jack Briggs to discuss one issue.
3.2 Nomination and election of Replacement Board Members to Serve until Annual Membership Meeting. There was discussion that the Association is seeking two board members -- a treasurer and a board member at large. Pam indicated that since the previous Treasurer left we have had no interest among homeowners to fill this position so we are now paying for these services. No one present at the meeting was interested in serving on the board. Michael stated that his hope was that one of these new board members might then be elected in June when all board positions are up for election.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 Financial Report – February 28, 2015. Michael stated that the HOA had $6,725 in income from January 1, 2015 through February 2015. Our total expenses were $1,177.02 and our net income was $5,547.98. The balance in our checking account is $42,622.48. Michael also said that 94 home owners out of 140 have paid their 2015 dues. Michael stated that notices will be sent out for those who have not paid and they will have an interest penalty. Jack Briggs asked if board members could receive a copy of the budget before the meeting. Michael said he will send the first quarter budget to all board members prior to the meeting.
4.1.2 Administrative and bookkeeping services. Jack Briggs obtained a bid for these services from Crown Properties which included bookkeeping and violation administration. This item will be discussed at the June 2015 meeting.
4.2 Discussion and Approval of HOA Reserve Account Strategy as Required by RCW 64.38.065. Jack Briggs stated that the reserve account is not required by RCW 64.38.065 but recommended. The purpose of the reserve account is putting money away for unanticipated events. Discussion was tabled with a recommendation to be made at the next meeting by the Finance Committee.
4.3 Update on attorney preparing a lien on any delinquent account more than 3 years old. Michael stated that we now have a total of four liens for four homes that owe more than $1,000 in dues. He said that with the exception of a foreclosure a homeowner can’t sell a home and not pay us because any dues or fees owed will be subtracted before the homeowner gets any proceeds.
4.4 Deadline on annual dues payments and imposing a penalty if deadline is missed. The board discussed imposing a penalty in addition to interest fees if dues are late. Jack Briggs moved that 15 days after the due date we impose a $25 fine with interest for dues payments starting in 2016. Jim Lampman seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
5.1 Report on ACC Violation Letters. Jim Lampman stated that 151 violation letters were sent in 2014. Of those, 32 were fines and 24 of those were paid. There are 12 outstanding fines.
5.2 Report on Fence Staining along Center Parkway. Jack Briggs reported that letters have been sent to 17 homes along Center Parkway and seven homeowners have responded. The association is willing to pay for staining the fences that front on Center Parkway. Jim Lampman and Jack Briggs may have to go door-to-door to obtain responses from the remaining homeowners.
5.3 Appointment of a Third Member to the ACC. Jack Briggs moved that Jack Donnelly be appointed to the ACC. Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
5.4 Consideration of Appointment of a Litter Patrol. Some litter has been noticed on the road into our subdivision. Michael asked for volunteers to help pick up litter. Two homeowners volunteered and Michael Galgoul and Jim Lampman also volunteered. Jim stated he would talk to Desert Green and ask that they pick up litter when they provide services and Jim will also ask them about picking up tumbleweeds.
5.5 Contracts Awarded to Desert Green. Jim stated that a maintenance contract was signed in February with Desert Green. There were three bids and Desert Green was the lowest. Jim stated that the rock and drip line along Center Parkway has been redone and looks very nice.
6. Old Business.
6.1 Rental request by Tony Tahvili and status of letter the board wrote to Tahvili on his involvement on ACC. Jack Briggs stated that Tony has rented one of his properties in our development and he did not get permission. Jack Briggs moved that we send a letter to Tony accepting the rental on West Clearwater Place and that it state that in the future any rentals must be approved by the board. Michael Galgoul seconded the motion. There was discussion that other homeowners in Grandridge Meadows have indicated they do not want rentals in the development. Motion passed. Jack Briggs will write the letter and send to other members of the board for their review and approval.
6.2 Update on contacting a real estate agent to identify areas for improvement under the control of the HOA that would have the largest positive impact on the selling price of homes. Michael stated that he contacted a realtor and that they don’t have a checklist of items that we are not already doing.
6.3 Update on purchase of dog waste bag dispenser. The ACC will discuss this item and report at the next meeting.
7. New Business
7.1 Jack Briggs stated that he would like the board meetings to start earlier at 6:30 p.m. Motion made by Jack Briggs to start the board meetings at 6:30 p.m. Michael Galgoul seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
7.2 Jack Briggs stated that he would like to have a more meaningful web page. There was discussion of hiring someone to maintain the web site. Pam indicated that the current cost for the web site is $40 per year and that she would like to see a picture from a home in our subdivision on the web site and that we would have to determine which house to feature. Item to be discussed at the next meeting.
8. Open Forum.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. June 2015 11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on June 17, 2015.