Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
November 18, 2013
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, Acting President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Briggs
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Board Member
Brandi Hamman
Board Member
Dawn Bastin-Hernandez
Board Member
Jim Lampman
Board Member
2.2. The following Board Members had an unexcused absence: Dennis Janikowski, Carlos Fernandez.
3. Open Forum. Michael Galgoul stated that homeowners could bring up concerns at the meeting or send them to our email address which is [email protected]. A homeowner said he talked to Desert Green regarding snow removal and the price is $150 each time. Michael delegated this to the Architectural Committee to follow up. Motion by Jack Briggs and seconded by Dawn Bastin-Hernandez to allow the Architectural Control Committee to arrange for snow removal not to exceed $500. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Secretary Report.
4.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from October 16, 2013 were approved as submitted.
4.2 HOA Website. The HOA web site address was provided: Pam Bisconer, Secretary, stated that the CC&Rs are now posted on the web site. All meeting minutes will now be posted on the website. Meeting dates will also be posted on the web site.
4.3 Accounts. Michael stated that the Mail by the Mall account is open and that they do mailings for the association. He indicated our mailing list will be on file with them for future mailings. Michael said we have an account with Office Max and cards will be mailed in 7 days. We also have a rewards card.
5. Financial Report.
5.1 New Treasurer Introduction and voting. Michael explained that our treasurer, Ellen Kreitzer, had resigned after our last meeting and that we had another homeowner interested in the position. Dan Morris was introduced and he indicated that he had a background in banking and experience in association management. Michael moved that Dan Morris be elected as our new Treasurer. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez seconded the motion and the board unanimously approved.
5.2 Financial report. Michael reported that we had $16,463.32 in checking at the beginning of September and ended the month with $12,877.41. Expenses were for A Plus accounting and tax preparation, liability insurance and Desert Green. Michael indicated when the annual report is complete we will post it on our website. Michael stated that the HOA dues invoices have been sent out with total billed as $33,000 and that $12,450 has been collected. Some checks are for multiple years. Michael stated that once homeowners have paid, they will be sent a receipt.
6. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6.1 Approval of Fine Schedule for non-compliance with CC&Rs and bylaws. Jack Briggs stated our bylaws give the board the authority to impose “reasonable fines”. Suggested fines are as follows: 1) Written warning of a first infraction, 2) Fine of $25 for second infraction, 3) $100 fine for third infraction, 4) $150 for the fourth and subsequent infractions. Fine structure may not roll out until February so homeowners have plenty of time to be in compliance. The fines will be added to the home owners’ dues. If they are not paid an interest charge of 12% a year may be added along with late fees. If it becomes necessary to impose a lien we can also add reasonable attorney fees. Jack Briggs moved that the fine schedule be adopted and the Architectural Control Committee allowed to enforce it. Jim Lampman seconded. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez called for discussion and stated there should be something done before the written warning. Called for vote and motion passed with Dawn Bastin-Hernandez abstaining.
6.2 Update of work performed. Jim Lampman reported that several arborvitaes have been removed to enhance vision at the corner of Quebec and Center Parkway. All of the large shrubs on the entrance islands of Montana have been pruned.
6.3 Dogs at large. Jim Lampman said that if you know the address of the homeowner that the ACC can talk to them. Homeowners can also call code enforcement at 545-3740 and they will come out as well. For barking dogs, homeowners can call the police non-emergency number at 628-0333. Homeowners may also contact the district attorney’s office at 585-4271 and they will direct you on how to file a complaint. Directly speaking with the neighbor may also solve the problem.
6.4 Illegal Dumping. Jim Lampman mentioned that there have been reports of illegal dumping on W. Bruneau Ave where it opens to railroad property. The railroad may post a “No Dumping” sign in the spring. If you see anyone dumping you may call code enforcement at 545-3740 and report it and they will try to come out and issue a citation.
7. New Business.
7.1 Update on report from attorney Craig Walker. Michael stated he has had no further discussions with the attorney.
7.2 Motion for funds to consulting lawyer regarding Bylaws and CC&Rs. Jack Briggs moved that we allow Michael to discuss our HOA’s legality with the attorney with a $1,000 limit to resolve this issue. Brandi Hamman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
7.3 Payment of Taxes update. Michael reported that the taxes and annual report have been prepared. For 2009 we had a loss so no taxes are due. For 2010, we owe $800. For 2011, we owe $1300. For 2012 we had a loss so no taxes are due. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez moved that we pay taxes in the amount of $2,100 via electronic transfer and that Michael will sign and send them in. Jack Briggs seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
7.4 Motion to end Michael Galgoul as Acting President and return Brandi Hamman as President. Michael moved that his term as acting President end and have Brandi Hamman return as President. Dawn Bastin Hernandez seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Michael will return to his role as Vice President.
7.5 Change in Signatories. Michael moved that we remove JoAnn Hicks as signatory on our checking account and add Dan Morris and Brandi Hamman as signatories. Jim Lampman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
7.6 Lights. Jim Lampman moved that we call an electrician and get an estimate to repair the lights in the entrance to Grandridge Meadows not to exceed $500. Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
8. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
9. Next Meeting Date. December 18, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library, 1620 S. Union St.
10. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on January 15, 2014.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors
November 18, 2013
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul, Acting President, called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. at Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Briggs
Board Member
Michael Galgoul
Board Member
Brandi Hamman
Board Member
Dawn Bastin-Hernandez
Board Member
Jim Lampman
Board Member
2.2. The following Board Members had an unexcused absence: Dennis Janikowski, Carlos Fernandez.
3. Open Forum. Michael Galgoul stated that homeowners could bring up concerns at the meeting or send them to our email address which is [email protected]. A homeowner said he talked to Desert Green regarding snow removal and the price is $150 each time. Michael delegated this to the Architectural Committee to follow up. Motion by Jack Briggs and seconded by Dawn Bastin-Hernandez to allow the Architectural Control Committee to arrange for snow removal not to exceed $500. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Secretary Report.
4.1 Approval of Minutes. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors from October 16, 2013 were approved as submitted.
4.2 HOA Website. The HOA web site address was provided: Pam Bisconer, Secretary, stated that the CC&Rs are now posted on the web site. All meeting minutes will now be posted on the website. Meeting dates will also be posted on the web site.
4.3 Accounts. Michael stated that the Mail by the Mall account is open and that they do mailings for the association. He indicated our mailing list will be on file with them for future mailings. Michael said we have an account with Office Max and cards will be mailed in 7 days. We also have a rewards card.
5. Financial Report.
5.1 New Treasurer Introduction and voting. Michael explained that our treasurer, Ellen Kreitzer, had resigned after our last meeting and that we had another homeowner interested in the position. Dan Morris was introduced and he indicated that he had a background in banking and experience in association management. Michael moved that Dan Morris be elected as our new Treasurer. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez seconded the motion and the board unanimously approved.
5.2 Financial report. Michael reported that we had $16,463.32 in checking at the beginning of September and ended the month with $12,877.41. Expenses were for A Plus accounting and tax preparation, liability insurance and Desert Green. Michael indicated when the annual report is complete we will post it on our website. Michael stated that the HOA dues invoices have been sent out with total billed as $33,000 and that $12,450 has been collected. Some checks are for multiple years. Michael stated that once homeowners have paid, they will be sent a receipt.
6. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6.1 Approval of Fine Schedule for non-compliance with CC&Rs and bylaws. Jack Briggs stated our bylaws give the board the authority to impose “reasonable fines”. Suggested fines are as follows: 1) Written warning of a first infraction, 2) Fine of $25 for second infraction, 3) $100 fine for third infraction, 4) $150 for the fourth and subsequent infractions. Fine structure may not roll out until February so homeowners have plenty of time to be in compliance. The fines will be added to the home owners’ dues. If they are not paid an interest charge of 12% a year may be added along with late fees. If it becomes necessary to impose a lien we can also add reasonable attorney fees. Jack Briggs moved that the fine schedule be adopted and the Architectural Control Committee allowed to enforce it. Jim Lampman seconded. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez called for discussion and stated there should be something done before the written warning. Called for vote and motion passed with Dawn Bastin-Hernandez abstaining.
6.2 Update of work performed. Jim Lampman reported that several arborvitaes have been removed to enhance vision at the corner of Quebec and Center Parkway. All of the large shrubs on the entrance islands of Montana have been pruned.
6.3 Dogs at large. Jim Lampman said that if you know the address of the homeowner that the ACC can talk to them. Homeowners can also call code enforcement at 545-3740 and they will come out as well. For barking dogs, homeowners can call the police non-emergency number at 628-0333. Homeowners may also contact the district attorney’s office at 585-4271 and they will direct you on how to file a complaint. Directly speaking with the neighbor may also solve the problem.
6.4 Illegal Dumping. Jim Lampman mentioned that there have been reports of illegal dumping on W. Bruneau Ave where it opens to railroad property. The railroad may post a “No Dumping” sign in the spring. If you see anyone dumping you may call code enforcement at 545-3740 and report it and they will try to come out and issue a citation.
7. New Business.
7.1 Update on report from attorney Craig Walker. Michael stated he has had no further discussions with the attorney.
7.2 Motion for funds to consulting lawyer regarding Bylaws and CC&Rs. Jack Briggs moved that we allow Michael to discuss our HOA’s legality with the attorney with a $1,000 limit to resolve this issue. Brandi Hamman seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
7.3 Payment of Taxes update. Michael reported that the taxes and annual report have been prepared. For 2009 we had a loss so no taxes are due. For 2010, we owe $800. For 2011, we owe $1300. For 2012 we had a loss so no taxes are due. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez moved that we pay taxes in the amount of $2,100 via electronic transfer and that Michael will sign and send them in. Jack Briggs seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
7.4 Motion to end Michael Galgoul as Acting President and return Brandi Hamman as President. Michael moved that his term as acting President end and have Brandi Hamman return as President. Dawn Bastin Hernandez seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Michael will return to his role as Vice President.
7.5 Change in Signatories. Michael moved that we remove JoAnn Hicks as signatory on our checking account and add Dan Morris and Brandi Hamman as signatories. Jim Lampman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
7.6 Lights. Jim Lampman moved that we call an electrician and get an estimate to repair the lights in the entrance to Grandridge Meadows not to exceed $500. Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
8. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
9. Next Meeting Date. December 18, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library, 1620 S. Union St.
10. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on January 15, 2014.