Draft minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors
October 1, 2015
1. Call To Order. Brett Menaker, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michael Galgoul
Vice President
Brett Menaker
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
Michele Burke
Board Member at Large
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of July and September 2015 Minutes. The minutes of the July regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the September special meeting were approved. Michael Galgoul moved and Jim Lampman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 No Financial Report was presented as EverStar is working on preparing it. Bills now go directly to EverStar and EverStar contacts Brett or Michael for approval. A question was asked regarding the mailbox at Mail by the Mall and Brett stated we will maintain it for 3 more months.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6. Old Business.
6.1 None
7. New Business
7.1 Policy for Rental Homes & Homeowner Survey. Brett stated that he wanted to make it a priority to get the homeowner survey regarding rentals completed. He pointed out that one year after closing homeowners don’t need the Board’s approval to rent their property. EverStar will determine how many rentals we currently have in the HOA and once we have that we will use percentages in the survey. There was discussion regarding sending the survey by itself or including the Rental Forms with it and the Board decided to send the survey with no other documents. The draft will be revised to include a comments section and the survey will be mailed with a self-addressed, stamped return envelopment to encourage participation. The survey will specify a deadline for return. Jack Briggs will revise the survey and send it to Board members for their review. Michael moved that the survey letter be approved with changes suggested by the Board. Jim Lampman seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. The goal is to send the survey letter by the end of October.
Michael suggested that a committee be formed to work on a rental policy. Brett, Pam and Michele will be on this committee and Brett has already started a draft of the policy. The Board discussed putting the Rental Policy and Rental Form on the HOA website after they are finalized.
8. Open Forum.
8.1 A resident asked if the HOA could stain the Steptoe Street side of his fence and address a concern he has about a fire hazard due to tumbleweeds on the property behind his house which runs along Steptoe. Michael will contact the city of Richland regarding the fire concern and the ACC will address the staining issue.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on _____.
Draft minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors
October 1, 2015
1. Call To Order. Brett Menaker, President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michael Galgoul
Vice President
Brett Menaker
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Pam Bisconer
Board Secretary
Michele Burke
Board Member at Large
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: none.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of July and September 2015 Minutes. The minutes of the July regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the September special meeting were approved. Michael Galgoul moved and Jim Lampman seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4. Financial Report.
4.1 No Financial Report was presented as EverStar is working on preparing it. Bills now go directly to EverStar and EverStar contacts Brett or Michael for approval. A question was asked regarding the mailbox at Mail by the Mall and Brett stated we will maintain it for 3 more months.
5. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6. Old Business.
6.1 None
7. New Business
7.1 Policy for Rental Homes & Homeowner Survey. Brett stated that he wanted to make it a priority to get the homeowner survey regarding rentals completed. He pointed out that one year after closing homeowners don’t need the Board’s approval to rent their property. EverStar will determine how many rentals we currently have in the HOA and once we have that we will use percentages in the survey. There was discussion regarding sending the survey by itself or including the Rental Forms with it and the Board decided to send the survey with no other documents. The draft will be revised to include a comments section and the survey will be mailed with a self-addressed, stamped return envelopment to encourage participation. The survey will specify a deadline for return. Jack Briggs will revise the survey and send it to Board members for their review. Michael moved that the survey letter be approved with changes suggested by the Board. Jim Lampman seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. The goal is to send the survey letter by the end of October.
Michael suggested that a committee be formed to work on a rental policy. Brett, Pam and Michele will be on this committee and Brett has already started a draft of the policy. The Board discussed putting the Rental Policy and Rental Form on the HOA website after they are finalized.
8. Open Forum.
8.1 A resident asked if the HOA could stain the Steptoe Street side of his fence and address a concern he has about a fire hazard due to tumbleweeds on the property behind his house which runs along Steptoe. Michael will contact the city of Richland regarding the fire concern and the ACC will address the staining issue.
9. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
10. Next Meeting Date. TBD
11. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on _____.