Draft minutes of the October 26, 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors
1. Call To Order. Brett Menaker, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Brett Menaker
Board President
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Rebecca Bowie
Board Secretary
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michele Burke
Board Member at Large
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: Michael Galgoul. Gayle Stack and Debbie Cooper from EverStar were also present.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. Jack Briggs moved that the minutes from the June 2016 meeting be approved. Jack Donnelly seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4. Resignations.
4.1 Long time BOD member Michael Galgoul was recognized as one of the original board members since 2009 and was thanked for his service on the board. His resignation was accepted and Nichole Barker was recommended to fill the vacancy by an ad hoc nominating committee (Jim Lampman, Jack Briggs and Brett Menaker).
4.2 Michele Burke’s resignation was also accepted and the board thanked her for her service. Steve Burke has volunteered to take her vacancy and was also recommended to fill the vacancy by the ad hoc nominating committee.
4.3 Interim appointments were voted in unanimously. Nichole Barker, Steve Burke and Rebecca Bowie each introduced themselves.
5. Financial Report.
5.1 Financial Report. Gayle Stack from EverStar presented the financial report and this document was emailed to board members for their review. It was once again reviewed among members and discussed. Jack Briggs requested a revised format as a one sheet synopsis and that we obtain a new bid on insurance since our delinquencies are greatly reduced.
5.2 Reserve study (estimated cost $4,500). The finance committee has discussed it and recommended against it.
5.3 Proposed budget for 2017. Board members have had a chance to review it. Will continue to work on delinquencies, there are 9 homes currently delinquent and 5 liens. Rebecca Bowie inquired if we want to continue posting delinquencies on the website. The CC&Rs only require annual notification via USPS mail to include the lot#, name, how much assessed and what they have paid. Jack Briggs moved that we no longer post delinquencies on the website, Nicole Barker 2nd and the motion was passed. Brett Menaker brought up alternatives to mailings to save postage and paper. Discussion ensued and it was determined that we would encourage email but otherwise are required and will continue to mail necessary documents and announcements. The delinquent dues will be added as a line item in the budget report annual mailing. The HOA dues haven’t been increased since 2012. Will continue to budget conservatively and may at some time in the near future propose increased dues. Discussion was held how to handle excess funds, main idea was to take money out of operating account and put into reserve account. Gayle to send out information with next month’s budget and she proposed the topic is added to the agenda for the December meeting for membership vote. At this time the board agreed there was no need for an audit which, if undertaken, requires extensive and expensive adherence to state requirement. Jack Briggs proposed to approve the budget, Jack Donnelly 2nd and the budget was approved. It must now be provided to all homeowners and submitted to them for ratification at the annual meeting.
6. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6.1 Xeriscaping of common areas. Jim Lampman reported that the recommendation is not the change the landscaping. It was noted that the arborvitae and bushes are a signature of Grandview Meadows and add value to our neighborhood. It was also mentioned that since the inception of the HOA property maintenance has improved and less fines are assessed. Residences are given a warning letter first then an orange warning sign before fines are assessed. Jim also reported on some out of contract bills with landscaping ($407 to replace sprinkler heads and 5 arborvitae) but remained within budget.
7. Old Business.
7.1 The Christmas light contest will continue this year. Jim Lampman will draft something up to include in the annual mailing and website. The announcement boards will also be utilized to notify residents. The awards are $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd and no board member can win.
8. New Business
8.1.1 Candidates for 2017 BOD. It is the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee that we nominate the following for BOD: Nicole Barker-President, Brett Menaker-Vice President, Steven Burke-Treasurer, Rebecca Bowie-Secretary.
8.1.2 Additional volunteers and nominations are encouraged.
8.1.3 Proposed officers for 2017: Architectural Control Committee; Jim Lampman, Jack Briggs, Jack Donnelly. Finance Committee; Nicole Barker, Brett Menaker, Steven Burke as Chairman.
The BOD is a vote by ballot. Question was raised as to what was required for a quorum. It is a majority vote of persons present at the annual meeting and proxy votes, one vote per household. Required to mail out ballot. Gayle proposed one side ballot, back side proxy, candidates’ bios to be included.
9. Open Forum
9.1 Brett Menaker reported that Heather Barnett who has done our bookkeeping before EverStar has HOA computer and printer. Heather indicated she will submit a proposal for doing our 2016 tax return.
9.2 Nicole Barker raised concern about speeding cars. Discussed ensued. Recommendation was made to take down license number if able and report to police and this may increase patrols. Jim Lampman suggested contacted the police department about utilizing their electric speed warning system and he will look into this possibility. Jack Briggs has spoken directly to one resident speeder and felt the interaction was respected and may help.
9.3 Jack Briggs expressed a need for improvements on the website. Rebecca Bowie reported that the web site seemed user friendly to her. Rebecca is now the website administrator and the only one who has access to make changes. Please submit requests for changes to Rebecca.
10. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
11. Next Meeting Date. Annual meeting to be held December 7, 2016 in the big conference room at the Mid-Columbia Library on Union.
12. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on December 7th, 2016.
Draft minutes of the October 26, 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors
1. Call To Order. Brett Menaker, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Mid-Columbia Library.
2. Roll Call.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors in attendance:
Brett Menaker
Board President
Jim Lampman
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Rebecca Bowie
Board Secretary
Jack Briggs
Board and Architectural Committee Member
Michele Burke
Board Member at Large
Jack Donnelly
Board and Architectural Committee Member
2.2. The following Board Members had an excused absence: Michael Galgoul. Gayle Stack and Debbie Cooper from EverStar were also present.
3. Secretary Report.
3.1 Approval of Minutes. Jack Briggs moved that the minutes from the June 2016 meeting be approved. Jack Donnelly seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4. Resignations.
4.1 Long time BOD member Michael Galgoul was recognized as one of the original board members since 2009 and was thanked for his service on the board. His resignation was accepted and Nichole Barker was recommended to fill the vacancy by an ad hoc nominating committee (Jim Lampman, Jack Briggs and Brett Menaker).
4.2 Michele Burke’s resignation was also accepted and the board thanked her for her service. Steve Burke has volunteered to take her vacancy and was also recommended to fill the vacancy by the ad hoc nominating committee.
4.3 Interim appointments were voted in unanimously. Nichole Barker, Steve Burke and Rebecca Bowie each introduced themselves.
5. Financial Report.
5.1 Financial Report. Gayle Stack from EverStar presented the financial report and this document was emailed to board members for their review. It was once again reviewed among members and discussed. Jack Briggs requested a revised format as a one sheet synopsis and that we obtain a new bid on insurance since our delinquencies are greatly reduced.
5.2 Reserve study (estimated cost $4,500). The finance committee has discussed it and recommended against it.
5.3 Proposed budget for 2017. Board members have had a chance to review it. Will continue to work on delinquencies, there are 9 homes currently delinquent and 5 liens. Rebecca Bowie inquired if we want to continue posting delinquencies on the website. The CC&Rs only require annual notification via USPS mail to include the lot#, name, how much assessed and what they have paid. Jack Briggs moved that we no longer post delinquencies on the website, Nicole Barker 2nd and the motion was passed. Brett Menaker brought up alternatives to mailings to save postage and paper. Discussion ensued and it was determined that we would encourage email but otherwise are required and will continue to mail necessary documents and announcements. The delinquent dues will be added as a line item in the budget report annual mailing. The HOA dues haven’t been increased since 2012. Will continue to budget conservatively and may at some time in the near future propose increased dues. Discussion was held how to handle excess funds, main idea was to take money out of operating account and put into reserve account. Gayle to send out information with next month’s budget and she proposed the topic is added to the agenda for the December meeting for membership vote. At this time the board agreed there was no need for an audit which, if undertaken, requires extensive and expensive adherence to state requirement. Jack Briggs proposed to approve the budget, Jack Donnelly 2nd and the budget was approved. It must now be provided to all homeowners and submitted to them for ratification at the annual meeting.
6. Architectural Control Committee Report.
6.1 Xeriscaping of common areas. Jim Lampman reported that the recommendation is not the change the landscaping. It was noted that the arborvitae and bushes are a signature of Grandview Meadows and add value to our neighborhood. It was also mentioned that since the inception of the HOA property maintenance has improved and less fines are assessed. Residences are given a warning letter first then an orange warning sign before fines are assessed. Jim also reported on some out of contract bills with landscaping ($407 to replace sprinkler heads and 5 arborvitae) but remained within budget.
7. Old Business.
7.1 The Christmas light contest will continue this year. Jim Lampman will draft something up to include in the annual mailing and website. The announcement boards will also be utilized to notify residents. The awards are $100 for 1st, $50 for 2nd and $25 for 3rd and no board member can win.
8. New Business
8.1.1 Candidates for 2017 BOD. It is the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Committee that we nominate the following for BOD: Nicole Barker-President, Brett Menaker-Vice President, Steven Burke-Treasurer, Rebecca Bowie-Secretary.
8.1.2 Additional volunteers and nominations are encouraged.
8.1.3 Proposed officers for 2017: Architectural Control Committee; Jim Lampman, Jack Briggs, Jack Donnelly. Finance Committee; Nicole Barker, Brett Menaker, Steven Burke as Chairman.
The BOD is a vote by ballot. Question was raised as to what was required for a quorum. It is a majority vote of persons present at the annual meeting and proxy votes, one vote per household. Required to mail out ballot. Gayle proposed one side ballot, back side proxy, candidates’ bios to be included.
9. Open Forum
9.1 Brett Menaker reported that Heather Barnett who has done our bookkeeping before EverStar has HOA computer and printer. Heather indicated she will submit a proposal for doing our 2016 tax return.
9.2 Nicole Barker raised concern about speeding cars. Discussed ensued. Recommendation was made to take down license number if able and report to police and this may increase patrols. Jim Lampman suggested contacted the police department about utilizing their electric speed warning system and he will look into this possibility. Jack Briggs has spoken directly to one resident speeder and felt the interaction was respected and may help.
9.3 Jack Briggs expressed a need for improvements on the website. Rebecca Bowie reported that the web site seemed user friendly to her. Rebecca is now the website administrator and the only one who has access to make changes. Please submit requests for changes to Rebecca.
10. Executive Session. (If required). No executive session was required.
11. Next Meeting Date. Annual meeting to be held December 7, 2016 in the big conference room at the Mid-Columbia Library on Union.
12. Meeting Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on December 7th, 2016.