Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: September 19, 2013
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at Round Table Pizza.
2. Attendance.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors present:
Dawn Bastin-Hernandez Board Member (late)
Jack Briggs Board Member
Michael Galgoul Board Member
Brandi Hamman Board Member
Dennis Janikowski Board Member
Jim Lampman Board Member
2.2. The following Board Member had an excused absence: Carlos Fernandez
3. Open Forum. Comments heard from the Home Owner Members of the HOA.
None were present to comment.
4. Approval of Minutes. Since this was the first meeting of the newly elected Board there are
no minutes to approve.
5. Financial Report. Heather Barnett gave the Treasurer’s report. She said she received the balance sheet and General Ledger in August and is still weeding through who owes dues. She said she will complete this process and we will start fresh when the Treasurer takes over. Michael stated he has signature authority at Banner Bank. Once the Treasurer is elected we will need to notify them and remove Joanne from the account. A motion was made by Michael that we need a draft budget and that he will work on that with Heather. Jim Lampman seconded the motion.
6. Unfinished Business. None.
7. New Business.
7.1 Review Insurance Proposal – Jason Hogue
Jason from American Family Insurance presented information regarding Director’s and Officers’ insurance and General Liability. The coverage is $1,000,000 per each and the cost is $1188 per year for the Directors and Officers and $812 for General Liability. Michael discussed the importance of having this insurance in the event that we place a lien on a house and we are negligent it protects us. Michael asked that Jack and Jim review the contracts to make sure we are comparing apples to apples. Michael moved to approve up to $2,500 for purchase of the insurance and Dennis seconded.
7.2 Discussion of the Position of Secretary. Pam Bisconer spoke about her experience as former Secretary for the Northwest Human Resource Association and Seattle Working Woman and the Northwest Compensation Forum. Dennis moved and Jim seconded the approval of Pam as Secretary.
7.3 Discussion of the position of Treasurer. Ellen Kreitzer expressed her interest in the Treasurer position. While she has no direct experience as a treasurer she has excellent skills in bookkeeping and budgets. Michael moved that Ellen Kreitzer be elected Treasurer and that the HOA would continue to support the transition including training of Ellen/ The transition support and training is a condition for Ellen to accept the Treasurer position. Her election is contingent on being bonded. Jack moved and Jim seconded the motion. The board unanimously approved.
8. Architectural Committee Update—Review Proposed Letter. The Committee reviewed the letter to be sent to the homeowners. Jim and Jack said this was a proposed letter letting the homeowners know that the association is up and operating. It was agreed that the letter be revised by Jack and it will be sent out by Michael in the next few weeks. It was moved that the Architectural Committee select 3 members from homeowners in Phase II for their opinion on how to landscape the shared walkway. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez made a motion to include home owners who live adjacent to these areas. Michael seconded. It was moved by Michael and seconded by Dawn to give the Architectural Committee $500 to spend on any improvements.
9. Executive Session. An Executive session was not required.
10. Web Site. Dawn offered to ask a colleague about designing a simple WEB site for the HOA. Michael agreed to provide information for input to the site.
11. Mailing Address. Dennis moved and Jim seconded a motion to rent a mailing address for one year. The board unanimously approved.
12. Next Meeting Date. The next monthly Board meeting date is suggested for October 8th.
13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on September 19, 2013
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
Date: September 19, 2013
1. Call To Order. Michael Galgoul called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. at Round Table Pizza.
2. Attendance.
2.1. A quorum was present with the following directors present:
Dawn Bastin-Hernandez Board Member (late)
Jack Briggs Board Member
Michael Galgoul Board Member
Brandi Hamman Board Member
Dennis Janikowski Board Member
Jim Lampman Board Member
2.2. The following Board Member had an excused absence: Carlos Fernandez
3. Open Forum. Comments heard from the Home Owner Members of the HOA.
None were present to comment.
4. Approval of Minutes. Since this was the first meeting of the newly elected Board there are
no minutes to approve.
5. Financial Report. Heather Barnett gave the Treasurer’s report. She said she received the balance sheet and General Ledger in August and is still weeding through who owes dues. She said she will complete this process and we will start fresh when the Treasurer takes over. Michael stated he has signature authority at Banner Bank. Once the Treasurer is elected we will need to notify them and remove Joanne from the account. A motion was made by Michael that we need a draft budget and that he will work on that with Heather. Jim Lampman seconded the motion.
6. Unfinished Business. None.
7. New Business.
7.1 Review Insurance Proposal – Jason Hogue
Jason from American Family Insurance presented information regarding Director’s and Officers’ insurance and General Liability. The coverage is $1,000,000 per each and the cost is $1188 per year for the Directors and Officers and $812 for General Liability. Michael discussed the importance of having this insurance in the event that we place a lien on a house and we are negligent it protects us. Michael asked that Jack and Jim review the contracts to make sure we are comparing apples to apples. Michael moved to approve up to $2,500 for purchase of the insurance and Dennis seconded.
7.2 Discussion of the Position of Secretary. Pam Bisconer spoke about her experience as former Secretary for the Northwest Human Resource Association and Seattle Working Woman and the Northwest Compensation Forum. Dennis moved and Jim seconded the approval of Pam as Secretary.
7.3 Discussion of the position of Treasurer. Ellen Kreitzer expressed her interest in the Treasurer position. While she has no direct experience as a treasurer she has excellent skills in bookkeeping and budgets. Michael moved that Ellen Kreitzer be elected Treasurer and that the HOA would continue to support the transition including training of Ellen/ The transition support and training is a condition for Ellen to accept the Treasurer position. Her election is contingent on being bonded. Jack moved and Jim seconded the motion. The board unanimously approved.
8. Architectural Committee Update—Review Proposed Letter. The Committee reviewed the letter to be sent to the homeowners. Jim and Jack said this was a proposed letter letting the homeowners know that the association is up and operating. It was agreed that the letter be revised by Jack and it will be sent out by Michael in the next few weeks. It was moved that the Architectural Committee select 3 members from homeowners in Phase II for their opinion on how to landscape the shared walkway. Dawn Bastin-Hernandez made a motion to include home owners who live adjacent to these areas. Michael seconded. It was moved by Michael and seconded by Dawn to give the Architectural Committee $500 to spend on any improvements.
9. Executive Session. An Executive session was not required.
10. Web Site. Dawn offered to ask a colleague about designing a simple WEB site for the HOA. Michael agreed to provide information for input to the site.
11. Mailing Address. Dennis moved and Jim seconded a motion to rent a mailing address for one year. The board unanimously approved.
12. Next Meeting Date. The next monthly Board meeting date is suggested for October 8th.
13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM.
The foregoing minutes were approved by the Board of Directors on September 19, 2013